Why Trends Are OUT!
Let's take a trip down memory lane back to 2020.
As we all know, 2020 was the Pandemic. We were all stuck at home, either working while walking on a treadmill, picking up a new hobby, or simply doing nothing. Most don't remember that the pandemic was a huge catalyst for social media.
The pandemic introduced a new way society showed up on social media; thank you, TikTok.
TikTok allowed all of us to show up on social media as we authentically are. We didn't need that Instagram-perfect photo anymore. We just needed to be ourselves.
TikTok started it, and Instagram followed. As TikTok picked up in popularity, Instagram knew it had to change. Throughout these three years, Instagram has also begun to shift its culture. Although it will never be as accepting of the imperfect as TikTok, Instagram has made strides to encourage original content from creators. Instagram has created accounts like @creators to educate users, paid creators to create reels and IG Lives, and shifted the algorithm to recognize original audio in order to increase its impressions/reach.
This brings me to my point: Trends are out because Instagram isn't the same platform it was when Reels first launched in 2021. Reels started with the intention of bringing the audience back to Instagram. It started with the trends to make the app fun and lively, just as TikTok was during the pandemic. But here's the thing: trends no longer fit the social media culture.
We don't want to see you perfectly match a voice-over of a funny audio we've seen 1000x's created from every other creator. We want to hear from YOU. We want to understand you, connect with you, and ultimately be your friend. As creators and business owners, you want someone to see your content and think wow, I love this business or creator. I love their suave, their vibes, their values. I want to support them because I see myself in them.
By showing up as you are: a creator, an entrepreneur, or a mix of both, your audience will fall in love with what you have to offer: your authenticity. So next time you create your monthly content plan, include fewer trends and show us who you truly are online.
PS. If you're new to social media, take this with a grain of salt. It's okay to show up with trends as you continue to grow in your confidence online, but you must take the training wheels off at some point. You've got this!