Latinx Marketing Portfolio

Driving Real Results For Latinx & BIPOC Businesses

IG Management


TikTok Management


Jefas Juntas


IG Management 🤳🏽 TikTok Management 📲 Jefas Juntas ⚡️

Can Social Media Help You Build A Powerful Brand?

You’ve been on the social media hamster wheel for a few years now. You’ve built a following and found some good friends. But you’re exhausted and all out of ideas… You’re beginning to wonder if social media can bring you the fulfillment, work-life balance, and tight-knit community that those *other* creators and entrepreneurs are always bragging about.

Amiga, that’s not a pipe dream!

That can be your reality too. You just need a dope, highly-skilled, and passionate social media team (wink wink nudge nudge) by your side to help you implement a proven, influence-building social media strategy. We know a thing or two, because we’ve helped businesses just like yours revitalize, monetize, and jefa-tize (yes, we made that up) their social media presence. And we’ve got the receipts to prove it!

What’s The Chisme?

  • "These challenges are game changers. The trick to getting comfortable with Reels is actually doing them. But getting started can be confusing and overwhelming. These challenges give you a platform to do it, the ideas to execute against, the comfort of a community, and the support of a professional. They take a lot of the stress and pressure out of the process. It's the perfect way to get started. And it is 100% the reason I am so comfortable using Reels today."

  • "The challenge was great and it helped me realize accountability is what I really needed for posting consistently. Mari is the best, and she does things because she genuinely cares for people. She also help me see things I didn't see at first glance to improve my videos."


  • "I love Mari's content she is so creative and always has great tips to help us succeed on Social media. Her content has made me more comfortable putting myself out there."


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